Kelly’s Landscaping Spring & fall Cleanups 203-874-8873
The reasons to have your leaves done are more then just the appearance. Leaves left all winter can mat down your grass and in some cases kill off parts of your lawn. In spring the benefits of having your lawn cleaned up include faster awakening times of your grass and will improve the look of the lawn throughout the year.
Kelly’s Landscaping offers spring and fall clean ups to our contracted lawn customers. This service is not available to the general public. We can dump on site when available or vacuum the leaves up and remove them from the property when necessary. We bring some heavy weight toys with us for cleans ups 2 leaf box trucks, 20 hp leaf loaders, leaf plows on our mowers to move bulk. Half a dozen backpacks and self propelled 18hp blowers to name a few. This allows us to do our jobs as quickly as is possible and to the standards we demand from our company.